Section 8

Uprooted: Urban Renewal

Nearly 900 families were uprooted and dispersed, mostly toward the 19th Ward and Plymouth/Exchange (PL/EX) neighborhood

The Big, Big Steal

Starting in the late 1950s, the Third Ward became a target for urban renewal and highway planners. By 1972, Route 490 cut through the northern end of Clarissa St. separating it from downtown.  Even though untouched by the highway path, bulldozers had demolished nearly every home and business along 8 blocks toward the south.


People lost intergenerational investments in their homes. Businesses and cultural institutions—from jazz clubs to civic clubs and community centers—were displaced while most had to close entirely. Nearly 900 families were uprooted and dispersed, mostly toward the 19th Ward and Plymouth/Exchange (PL/EX) neighborhood, and some families moved to Henrietta.


Was urban renewal a “rebirth” or a “big, big steal”?

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Section 7

The July 1964 Rebellion

Section 9

VR Streetscape

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